Pages tagged "Americans abroad"

Let Your Representatives Know

Don’t see your issue listed in our write-in campaigns. Is there some legislative or regulatory issue you are dealing with that your Representatives in Congress need to hear about? Then write and let your Representatives know what issues and problems you are facing as a U.S. citizen overseas.

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Support Congressman Beyer's efforts on behalf of US citizens overseas.

Congressman Beyer has introduced H.R.5432 - Tax Simplification for Americans Abroad Act of 2023. This bill is the first step towards correcting the tax filing and compliance issues that many overseas U.S. citizens are facing. Recognizing that many U.S. citizens overseas face complex and costly compliance issues, this bill...

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Support Congresswoman Titus' efforts on behalf of US citizens overseas.

Congresswoman Dina Titus, Chair of the Americans Abroad Caucus, has introduced The Commission on Americans Living Abroad Act (H.R.2729). H.R.2729 and the Overseas Americans Financial Access Act H.R.8873 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an exception from certain reporting requirements...

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