Pages tagged "campaign"

Let Your Representatives Know

Don’t see your issue listed in our write-in campaigns. Is there some legislative or regulatory issue you are dealing with that your Representatives in Congress need to hear about? Then write and let your Representatives know what issues and problems you are facing as a U.S. citizen overseas.

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Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Credit

All U.S. citizens should be able to avail themselves fully to tax credits such as Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Credit, and these should not be limited by mandatory minimum residence requirements (6 months in the U.S.) in order to access them. Independent studies show that U.S. citizens...

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Right to U.S. Citizenship

Every year about 60,000 children are born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent. Of these, 90% acquire U.S. citizenship at birth while 10% do not if the U.S. citizen parents of these children have not fulfilled certain residency requirement in the United States, then their children are unable to attain...

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All U.S citizens overseas should be able to vote

Thirteen U.S. states refuse to extend voting rights to individuals who have never lived in the United States but are U.S. citizens by virtue of the U.S. citizenship of one or both parents. However, these same U.S. citizens are subject to all the tax reporting and payment obligations incumbent on...

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Transition and GILTI Tax Regimes and U.S. citizen overseas

The U.S. Congress needs more education on how U.S. citizens overseas have organized their businesses and what businesses they are running. Legislation like TCJA which was targeted towards big multinationals that were “offshoring” profits should not be applied to U.S. citizens running small businesses and consultancies overseas. These provisions can...

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Passport Revocation Provision in the “Fast Act"

With the increase in individuals coming into compliance from overseas, the lengthy mail delivery and communication time between the IRS and overseas tax filers, the risk of error in filing from overseas, the Passport Revocation Provision could have detrimental effects on US citizens overseas whose US passport is the only...

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The Net Investment Income Tax is double taxation for US citizens overseas

The Net Investment Income Tax is double taxation for US citizens overseas

ACA advocates for the use of foreign tax credits to offset this supplemental tax...

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Tax Fairness for American Abroad

ACA has been advocating to the House Ways & Means Committee on the importance of holding hearings on the wide range of tax and compliance issues facing U.S. citizens overseas. Hearings are supported by many legislators in Congress. Hearings will put on official government record important data and research on...

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Support Congressman Beyer's efforts on behalf of US citizens overseas.

Congressman Beyer has introduced H.R.5432 - Tax Simplification for Americans Abroad Act of 2023. This bill is the first step towards correcting the tax filing and compliance issues that many overseas U.S. citizens are facing. Recognizing that many U.S. citizens overseas face complex and costly compliance issues, this bill...

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House Ways & Means Chairman needs to call for hearings on US citizens overseas

ACA estimates 5-6 million US citizens living and working overseas are facing serious issues related to US legislation. Time has come for the House Ways & Means Committee Chairman to call for hearings.

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