Pages tagged "citizenship"
Determining and Transmitting US Citizenship and Citizenship Flowchart
Adopted Children
Foreign children adopted by American families (residing in the US or abroad) never became US citizens "automatically." They have to be naturalized using one or other of two possible procedures (as explained here). For families residing in the USA this would be naturalization under Section 320 which confers US...
Let Your Representatives Know
Don’t see your issue listed in our write-in campaigns. Is there some legislative or regulatory issue you are dealing with that your Representatives in Congress need to hear about? Then write and let your Representatives know what issues and problems you are facing as a U.S. citizen overseas.
Right to U.S. Citizenship
Every year about 60,000 children are born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent. Of these, 90% acquire U.S. citizenship at birth while 10% do not if the U.S. citizen parents of these children have not fulfilled certain residency requirement in the United States, then their children are unable to attain...