ACA in drive to fund update of residence-based taxation research, ahead of perceived need
The American Expat Financial News Journal (April 13, 2021)
ACA in drive to fund update of residence-based taxation research, ahead of perceived need
'The American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation – the sister educational and research organization to the Washington, D.C.-based American Citizens Abroad advocacy group – today is unveiling a campaign to raise US$75,000 to fund a research project that it plans to help provide the ACA and others with fresh data that the ACAGF says will help to support arguments in favor of moving the U.S. to a Residence-Based Taxation system.
The ACAGF says it is hoping to raise the US$75,000 by July 1, adding that the ACA has already raised US$25,000 for the cause (leaving just US$50,000 to hit the target).
It also says, in a statement on its website, that the new data, once compiled, 'will be presented at Congressional hearings.' Information as to which Congressional hearings these would be isn't given, but ACA has said that it expects there to be a number of 'House-side and Senate-side hearings' in the next few months.
And in an interview, Charles Bruce (pictured left), the legal counsel for ACA as well as ACAGF chairman, said the ACAGF 'wouldn't be doing this if we didn't think there was a real possibility that [Washington lawmakers] are going to revisit' the idea of a possible move to an RBT system, later this year.'