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ACA’s newsletters are filled with important updates from American Citizens Abroad (ACA) and American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation (ACAGF). ACAGF is the research and educational branch of ACA, the organization responsible for our advocacy work in Washington, DC.

ACA’s headquartered offices are Washington, DC-based allowing the organization access to advocate directly with legislators on Capitol Hill on a regular basis. ACA is ideally suited to the job because we are non-partisan and represent an independent voice on subjects affecting US citizens living and working abroad. ACA is respected in Congress for bringing solutions to problems that are in the best interests of the community without political bias. ACA has a dedicated presence in Washington, DC - a team of professionals available to the Congress and Administration. We are literally an Uber ride away from key offices in Congress.


ACA’s advocacy work includes:

Taxation: US citizens living and working overseas should be taxed based on residency (RBT). 

Compliance: Simplification of US tax compliance for US citizens abroad, reducing paperwork and the cost of compliancy (FATCA, FBAR, etc.), addressing foreign financial institution lock-out 

Citizenship: Transmission of US citizenships to children born of US citizens abroad or adopted by US citizens abroad.

Voting & Representation: Unhindered exercise of voting right for US citizens eligible to vote. US citizens living and working overseas should have direct representation in Congress.

Medicare & Healthcare: Extension of Medicare benefits to US citizens abroad.

Social Security Elimination of penalties caused by US citizens drawing on both US and foreign government retirement programs (WEP).

Learn more>>


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