About the Shows
The ACA Podcast: Living abroad can be an adventure...and as a US Citizen it can be challenging! On the second Tuesday of each month, the American Citizens Abroad (ACA) team dives into an array of issues concerning Americans residing abroad, from managing expat life to culture shock to trailing spouses and everything in-between! Join us as we explore the reality of life as an American living abroad. Listen to our latest episodes.
The ACA TaxCast: Being tax compliant while living abroad can be tricky. From FBARs to FATCA to GILTI, it's not easy to keep track of it all. Americans Citizens Abroad's TaxCast speaks with professionals about all of these issues and more to try to get a better grasp of it all. Catch our TaxCasts here.
The content of ACA podcasts, including documents and presentations, is made available solely for general informational purposes. It is not intended and should not be treated as legal, financial or tax advice. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of American Citizens Abroad, Inc. or any affiliated organization. ACA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any content or other information. ACA disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any content or information by you or any other person. ACA is non-partisan and does not support any political party or candidate.
Latest Episodes
February 11, 2024
Our chat with ACA's Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato
We chat with ACA's Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato. We get an update on what's going on in Washington DC with tax legislation, the Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act introduced in the last Congress, ACA's prediction for getting RBT legislation passed in Congress, how the public can help, and more!
ACA's website
ACA's side-by-side analysis of the Current Law/Citizenship-Based Taxation and Residency-Based Taxation
Ask Your Representatives to Support Efforts for Residence Based Taxation
Donate to ACA
ACA in the Press
January 14, 2024
Our chat with Jen and Brett of Expatsi
We chat with Jen and Brett about their website, Expatsi; the services they offer, such as the Expatsi test and their scouting trips; relocation trends; and much more.
The Expatsi Test
Expatsi Scouting Trips
Expatsi on Facebook
Expatsi on Instagram
Expatsi on LinkedIn
Expatsi on TikTok
December 10, 2024
Our chat with Matt and Liuan of Slow Camino
We chat with Matt and Liuan of Slow Camino about their gap year of slow travel, gems they found along the way, managing three young boys while traveling, why midlife is the best time to take a gap year, and much more!
Slow Camino: https://slowcamino.com/
Midlife Might Just Be the Perfect Time for a Gap Year: https://slowcamino.com/topics/taking-a-gap-year/midlife-might-just-be-the-perfect-time-for-a-gap-year/
A Guide to Things to Do In Teresopolis, Brazil: https://slowcamino.com/travel-destinations/countries/brazil/escape-rio-a-child-friendly-guide-to-teresopolis/
Dollar Street: https://www.gapminder.org/dollar-street
November 12, 2024
Our Chat with Diane from Oui in France
We chat with Diane from Oui in France, the mind behind the living abroad lifestyle blog and YouTube Channel, Oui in France. We discuss what surprised her most about French culture, the reality of living in France versus the fantasy, how culture shock can sneak up on someone when least expected, and so much more.
October 8, 2024
Our Chat with Cepee about Digital Nomads
We’ve brought back Cepee, the brains behind the She Hit Refresh website, Facebook group, and podcast – a community dedicated to helping women over 30 move abroad. This time, we chat about becoming a digital nomad, countries that offer a digital nomad visa, common issues digital nomads face, and how AI will impact digital nomads.
Show Notes:
The list of 25 Work From Anywhere Companies
Click to join the Refresher's Lounge for ongoing support with your move abroad
She Hit Refresh Facebook Group
She Hit Refresh YouTube Channel
September 10, 2024
Our Chat with Melissa and Dave of a Strong Sense of Place
We chat with Melissa and Dave of a Strong Sense of Place site, podcast, and blog and the Library of Lost Time podcast. We discuss their life in Prague and books!
The outdoorsy events around Prague:
Discovering Prague events
General Strong Sense of Place:
Strong Sense of Place website
Free newsletter on Substack
All podcasts
Episodes we mentioned:
Spain: Valencia, Velázquez, and Vermouth
Iceland: Warrior Poets, Emo Horses, and Maybe (Probably) Elves
Italy: A Bottle of Red, the Tuscan Sun, and Il Dolce Far Niente
India: The Continent Masquerading as a Country
Sri Lanka: Remarkable, Relentless, Resplendent
Trains: Better Than Planes and Cars. Fight Me.
Hotels: The Liminal Space with M&Ms in the Mini-Bar
The Sea: Tales of Poets and Pirates
Some of our favorite books:
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Spain)
The Tricking of Freya by Christina Sunley (Iceland)
Still Life by Sarah Winman (Italy)
Dishoom: Cookery Book and Highly Subjective Guide to Bombay by Shamil Thakrar, Kavi Thakrar, Naved Nasir (India)
Elephant Complex: Travels in Sri Lanka by John Gimlette (Sri Lanka)
The Ladies-in-Waiting by Santiago Garcia, Javier Olivares (Spain)
Our summer reading plans:
Don't Look Now by Daphne du Maurier (Venice)
Billiards at the Hotel Dobray by Dušan Šarotar (Slovenia)
The Main Character by Jaclyn Goldis (Train)
A Death in Cornwall by Daniel Silva (spy novel)
Born to Be Hanged: The Epic Story of the Gentlemen Pirates Who Raided the South Seas, Rescued a Princess, and Stole a Fortune by Keith Thomson (Panama)
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (Norway)
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
The Munich Readery in Munich
Well-Read Books of Wigtown
Wigtown Postcards: What It's Like to Run a Bookshop in Scotland's National Book Town
Daunt Books in London
Typewronger Books in Edinburgh
July 9, 2024
Our Chat with Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat
We chat with Susan, the force behind Overseas Vote Foundation, about it’s creation and it’s sister website, US Vote Foundation; voting trends; surveys they have done; the US voting system; getting more Americans who live abroad to vote; and so much more!
Share the links below to help get out the vote:
US Vote Foundation’s Post Election Surveys
June 11, 2024
Our Chat with Cepee about Women Over 30 Moving Abroad
We chat with Cepee, the brains behind the She Hit Refresh website, Facebook group, and podcast - a community dedicated to helping women over 30 move abroad. We cover how leaving the US helped her to figure out what she was supposed to be doing in her life; tips for overcoming fears about moving abroad; the pros and cons of moving abroad in one’s 30s, 40s, and 50s; and much more!
Show Notes:
She Hit Refresh website
Click to join the Refresher's Lounge for ongoing support with your move abroad
She Hit Refreshn Facebook Group
She Hit Refresh YouTube Channel
She Hit Refresh on Instagram
May 14, 2024
Our Chat with Warren and Julie, of Warren & Julie Travel
We chat with Warren and Julie, of Warren & Julie Travel, who are in early retirement and slow travel full-time. Their YouTube channel and website offer information on residency programs, how to be a nomad in Europe, and expat life in various countries. We chat about how they travel with their two dogs, under-rated destinations, insider tips on slow travel, and much more.
Show Notes:
Warren & Julie Travel
Warren & Julie Travel Blog
Warren & Julie YouTube Channel
April 9, 2024
Our Chat with Emery Bowles
We chat with Emery Bowles, who has been moving back and forth between Japan and the US, and the mind behind the site Remote Working. We discuss how his young son handles traveling between the US and Japan, digital nomads and how AI will impact them, and much more!
Show Notes:
March 12, 2024
Our Chat with John Davis
We chat with John Davis, a combat veteran with a Master’s degree from Harvard, an award-winning author, creator of the Veterans Living Abroad Guides, and a writer who writes about veteran issues. We chat about his life abroad, how many veterans live abroad and where, how a lower cost of living impacts mental health, how veterans receive healthcare outside of the US, how female veterans looking to move abroad differ from their male counterparts, and much more.
Show Notes:
Veterans Living Abroad Articles by John H Davis
Free Guide for Veterans Moving Abroad
February 13, 2024
Our Chat with Michelle No, a Korean American expat
We chat with Michelle No, a Korean American expat and culture journalist and writer living in Berlin, about life in Berlin, the good and not-so-good aspects of being an Asian American expat in Germany, adjusting to life in Germany, freelancing internationally, and much more!
Show Notes:
From Buzzfeed: "Here's the Good, The Not So Good, And The Unexpected About Moving to Europe As A Person of Color (From a Korean American Expat”
January 9, 2024
Our Chat with Tess, of the blog Sweden and Me
We chat with Tess, of the blog Sweden and Me about the work-life balance in Sweden compared to the US, her university experience in Sweden, why Scandinavian countries rank high as some of the happiest places in the world to live, and much more!
Show Notes:
Business Insider’s Profile on Tess
December 12, 2023
Our Chat with Phillip and Jeff, the chefs behind Philly & Co's Restaurant located in Prague
We chat with Phillip and Jeff about what inspired them to open a restaurant featuring cheesesteak sandwiches, deep dish pizza, and chicken wings in Prague, choosing a location for their restaurant, recipe development, and much, much more!
Show Notes:
Visit their restaurant, located at Tachovské nám. 649, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia.
Follow them on social media, for new additions to their menu and special events:
Read about them in Radio Prague International
November 14, 2023
Our Chat with Author, Keith Van Sickle
We chat with the author, Keith Van Sickle, who splits his time between Provence and California, about why he and his wife choose to split their time between the US and France, French short-stay visas, the best kept secrets of Provence, and much more!
Show Notes:
One Sip at a Time: Learning to Live in Provence
An Insider's Guide to Provence
September 12, 2023
Our Chat with Matt DeSantis of My Bhutan
We chat with Matt DeSantis of My Bhutan, Beyul Labs, and the US State Department's warden for Bhutan, about his life in Bhutan, the Bhutan perspective of how to approach life, introducing baseball to Bhutan and more!
Show Notes:
An Insider’s Guide to the Wonders of Bhutan
In the mountains of the world's most remote country, baseball takes hold
July 11, 2023
Our Chat with Casie Tennin, a Master Certified Life Coach
We chat with Casie Tennin, a Master Certified Life Coach who specializes in life coaching for expats, about the challenges some American expats face when moving abroad, the issues that come up for those who are thinking of moving abroad versus those who are already overseas, how geographic location can impact the challenges of those who have moved to another country, her method for helping her clients, and much more!
Show Notes:
Visit Casie's website or find her on LinkedIn and Instagram.
June 13, 2023
Our Chat with Sara Dyson, founder of Expat in Croatia
We chat with Sara Dyson, the founder of the site Expat in Croatia, about how the site came about, the challenges she has faced as an American in Croatia, the challenges those immigrating to Croatia face, and much more!
Show Notes:
Expat in Croatia
View Expat in Croatia’s Services
Subscribe to Expat in Croatia
Donate to Expat in Croatia
Follow Expat in Croatia on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Twitter
May 9, 2023
Our Chat with Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director of ACA
We chat with the Executive Director of ACA, Marylouise Serrato about what’s new with ACA’s advocacy in Washington DC, what is happening with the three bills introduced in the last Congress (Congresswoman Maloney’s safe harbor bill for FATCA reporting, her commission bill, and Congressman Beyer’s tax filing simplification act); the impact of government and academic studies on advocacy for tax reform; why Congressional hearings are so important; what is going on with the Americans Abroad Caucus; and much more!
Show Notes:
ACA's Current Write-In Campaigns
April 11, 2023
Our Chat with Michael Pollock
We chat with Michael Pollock, a leader in TCK care, founding Director of Daraja, and the co-author of “Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds”, 3rd edition, is our guest for this episode. We chat about his experience overseas, his experience of raising kids overseas, the issues TCKs are trying to manage in today’s world, challenges TCKs face when repatriating, today’s technology and TCKs, Daraja, and much more!
Show Notes:
Daraja - Coaching
Daraja - Consulting
Daraja - Workshop & Events
Third Culture Kids 3rd Edition: Growing Up Among Worlds
March 14, 2023
Our Chat with Anne Michelle Wand
We chat with entrepreneur and American living in the Caribbean Islands of Panama, Anne Michelle Wand, about her life abroad, her history as an entrepreneur, and more!
February 14, 2023
Our Chat with Clary Estes
We chat with writer and photographer Clary Estes about the time she has spent abroad, her art and writing work, photographers and writes who have influenced her, where she is possibly moving to next, and more!
Show Notes:
January 10, 2023
Our Chat with Angela of Roman Vacations
We chat with Angela, the Operations Manager of Roman Vacations and an American living in Rome, about what should be visited in Rome that you would never find in a guidebook, some of her favorite spots in Rome, what it's like running a business in Italy, some of the common issues American expats in Italy face, and more.
Show Notes:
Roman Vacations on Trip Advisor
December 19, 2022
ACA's Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato, chats with Americans Overseas
Marylouise Serrato chats with Linda Mabelis of Americans Overseas about the burden of US persons overseas and the initiatives initiated by the organizations Americans Overseas and American Citizens Abroad in search of sustainable solutions for Americans abroad.
Our chat with Elizabeth, Chief Operations Officer, with TCK Training
We chat with Elizabeth, Chief Operations Officer, with TCK Training. We discuss the programs TCK Training offers for TCKs, parents, and care providers, their 2021 survey and white paper, Adult TCKs, and much more!
Show Notes:
Our chat with Molly Wilk, a French pastry chef living in Versailles
We chat with Molly Wilk, a French pastry chef living in Versailles about her expat story, taking classes at Le Cordon Bleu, teaching others how to create French pastries, and much more.
Show Notes:
Molly's website
Molly's Cookbooks
Our chart with Girl Gone London's Kalyn
We chat with Girl Gone London's Kalyn, about her experience living in London, differences between the US and the UK, experiencing reverse culture shock, her blog and YouTube channel, and more!
Show Notes:
Ultimate London and UK Travel Guide Facebook Group
Our chat with Rebecca Lammers, the International Representative on the Taxpayer Advocate Panel (TAP)
We chat with Rebecca Lammers, the International Representative on the Taxpayer Advocate Panel (TAP), about her new role on TAP, some of the issues she has raised on behalf of Americans living abroad, some of the challenges she expects to face, how she sees her role evolving over time, and more!
Show Notes:
The TAP website – submit your suggestions
Follow Rebecca Lammers on Medium
Meet theTaxpayer Advocate Service for Americans Abroad (June 1, 2022) featuring Rebecca
ACA's Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato, chats with John Alan on The Comin' Home Podcast
TAXES! American Citizens Abroad want Residence-Based Taxation - ep.186 with Marylouise Serrato
When it comes to taxes, did you know that American citizens who live abroad have to file taxes in their country of residence AND the IRS wants them to also file taxes in the USA? This is called CITIZEN-BASED TAXATION, and the USA is one of only two nations that tax their citizens in this way. Many of these American Citizens who live abroad own no property or assets in the United States, and have no connection to the USA other than their citizenship.
The non-profit organization American Citizens Abroad has done some research on this taxation issue, and Marylouise Serrato speaks with me about it in this episode.
Marylouise Serrato is the Executive Director for American Citizens Abroad. Check out this webinar which highlights the findings of ACA concerning the taxation of American citizens who live abroad.
Our chat with Nick Biblis, Advancement and Communications Advisor at Jakarta Intercultural School
We chat with Nick Biblis, The Advancement and Communications Advisor at Jakarta Intercultural School. We discuss life as an expat in Jakarta, the expat community in Jakarta, repatriating back to the US, and much more!
Show Notes:
Our chat with Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director of American Citizens Abroad (ACA), and Charles Bruce, ACA Legal Counsel and ACA Global Foundation's (ACAGF) Chairman
We chat with Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director of American Citizens Abroad (ACA), and Charles Bruce, ACA Legal Counsel and ACA Global Foundation's (ACAGF) Chairman, about District Economics Group's (DEG) recent study completed in support of Residence-Based Taxation (RBT). We discuss how the research helps advocacy for RBT; why revenue neutrality is important; why ACA Global Foundation worked with DEG on this study; the response from Capitol Hill, US Treasury, and the IRS to the research; and much more!
Given the importance of this study, and the current Congressional interest in it, we are sharing this on our ACA Podcast. This research, funded by ACAGF, is critical to ACA's advocacy work on RBT. ACA has already presented the study to offices on Capitol Hill and is setting up more and more meetings with key Congressional offices and the tax writing committees.
ACA's TaxCast with Marie Sapirie
Article, "Is Residence-Based Taxation Compatible With Progressive Idealism?" by Bob Goulder
American Citizens Abroad Side-By-Side Analysis: Current Law – Residency-Based Taxation
Our chat with Kate Dahl, founder and owner of Career Denmark
We chat with Kate Dahl, professional motivational speaker, workshop facilitator, lecturer, and founder and owner of Career Denmark. We talk about Career Denmark's approach to connecting talent to companies, the job search in Denmark, the Danish concept of Hygge, how to handle being fired with grace, and what makes Denmark a great destination for Americans.
Our chat with Josh & Vicky, (aka "A Couple of Nomads")
We speak to YouTubers, Josh & Vicky, (aka "A Couple of Nomads"), who are currently living in Valencia, Spain, about relocating to Spain in the middle of a pandemic, how their YouTube channel came about, the American expat community in Spain, their experiences living abroad, and much more!
Josh & Vicky's YouTube Channel, A Couple of Nomads
A Couple of Nomads: "Retire in Spain - Move to Spain with EASY Spanish Residency!"
A Couple of Nomads: "Moving to Spain - Our TOP 5 TIPS, You MUST know!"
A Recent Article about Josh & Vicky in Express.co.uk
Our chat with Carol Markino, an English teacher in Rome
We chat with Carol Markino, an English teacher in Rome, about moving to Italy, making a living teaching English as a second language, who her students are and why they are learning English, the importance of word-of-mouth in Rome, and more!
Our chat with Kema Ward-Hopper, English teacher and founder of Unplugged
We chat with Kema Ward-Hopper, founder of the retreat space, Unplugged; English teacher; and yoga instructor about her life in Costa Rica, her retreat space, growing up as an "army brat" versus raising her kids in Costa Rica, and much more.
Show Notes:
Unplugged Costa Rica on Instagram
February 8, 2022
Our chat with Tim Leffel, an American living in Mexico
We chat with Tim Leffel, writer, author, editor, publisher and an American living in Mexico about his life as an American abroad, his books and publishing company, the community of Americans in Mexico, healthcare in Mexico, how to find a place to live in Mexico, and much more!
Our 2021 year review with Marylouise Serrato
We chat with ACA‘s Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato, for a 2021 year review of ACA‘s work throughout the year.
Show Notes:
ACA: https://www.americansabroad.org/
RBT Coalition: https://www.rbtcoalition.org/
'Parting the Veil: Analyzing the Revenue Effects of Residence-Based Taxation (RBT)' and 'Congress Can Pass Residence-Based Taxation (RBT). Here's How' webinars: https://www.americansabroad.org/current-aca-advocacy-for-tax-reform-and-how-you-can-help/#Webinars
November 9, 2021
Our chat with Juanita Ingram, The Expats: International Ingrams
We speak with Juanita Ingram, matriarch of the Ingram family and the brains behind the award-winning reality docuseries, The Expats: International Ingrams. We chat about her reality series, how her family ended up living abroad, family life abroad and raising children abroad, the challenges of black Americans living abroad, Dress for Success Greater London and Dress for Success Chattanooga, and more.
Show Notes:
Watch The Expats: International Ingrams on Amazon Prime
Dress for Success Greater London
October 12, 2021
Our chat with Linda Mueller, life coach and founder of The Expat Partner Coach
We chat with Linda Mueller, a certified life coach and the founder of The Expat Partner Coach, LLC. We discuss life coaching, the different challenges that male expat partners or accompanying spouses experience from women, the different types of expats, what qualities help to make the experience of being an expat partner more rewarding, and why she prefers to not use the term "trailing spouse".
Show Notes:
The Expat Partner Coach on Instagram
September 14, 2021
Our chat with John Alan, of the Comin' Home podcast
We chat with John Alan, of the Comin' Home podcast, a singer-songwriter and musician, standup comedian, powerlifter, writer, and an American living in Norway. We speak about his varied interests, how COVID-19 has impacted his creativity, the issues of Americans overseas, and how the US can better engage with Americans living abroad.
Show Notes:
July 13, 2021
Our chat with Lisa Vanden Bos from FUSAC and a recap of ACAGF's latest webinar with Charles Bruce
First, we speak with Charles Bruce, ACAGF's Chairman, about ACAGF's webinar, "Parting the veil, analyzing the revenue effects of RBT". And then, we chat with Lisa Vanden Bos, from FUSAC, located in Paris, France about FUSAC's history, how it has evolved and much more!
Show Notes:
ACAGF's webinar, "Parting the Veil: Analyzing the Revenue Effects of Residence-Based Taxation (RBT)":
Donate to ACAGF's Educational and Research Work in Support of Residence-Based Taxation
Bill & Rosa's Book Room
Becoming French
Speak Easy Puzzles
June 8, 2021
Our Chat with Sutanya Dacres, host of the Dinner for One Podcast, and an update on RBT Fundraising
We chat with Sutanya Dacres, an American living in Paris and the host of the Dinner for One podcast, about her delightful podcast, and how it came about, and life in Paris (and abroad) as an American. Later, we speak with Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director of ACA, about ACAGF's RBT Fundraising campaign and an update on how well it's doing.
Show Notes:
Dinner for One Podcast
American Citizens Abroad
American Citizens Abroad Global Foundation's Fundraising Campaign
Donate to ACAGF by GoFundMe
Donate to ACAGF by Fundly
May 11, 2021
Our Chat with David McNeill
We chat David McNeill with Expat Empire about his life abroad, creating Expat Empire, the latest trends in relocation, and more!
April 13, 2021
Our Chat with Anne Hornung-Soukup
We chat with Anne Hornung-Soukup, member of the Board of Directors of ACA Global Foundation, about her life as an expat, how she became involved with ACA, what the first years of ACA were like, her work in womens' organizations and women breaking the glass ceiling, and the transportation system in Geneva.
March 9, 2021
Our Chat with Dr. Anisha Abraham
We speak with Dr. Anisha Abraham, MD, MPH, a board certified pediatrician and adolescent health specialist about cross-cultural children, expat teens, the experience of cross-cultural adolescence vs younger cross-cultural children, the pluses and minuses of bringing up children abroad, international moves during the teen years, her research project from 2019, and much more.
Show Notes:
Dr. Anisha Abraham's website
Raising Global Teens
Dr. Anisha Abraham's blog
Helping Our Teens Handle COVID-19: It's All About R-E-S-P-E-C-T
The Pandemic As An Opportunity To Reshape The Future For Global Families
Families In Global Transition
February 9, 2021
Our Chat with Laura, Laura, and Marylouise
This episode consists of 3 interviews. Our first is with Laura Ricci, a global nomad, about what exactly a global nomad is, the lifestyle, tips for those who are interested in traveling the world for an undetermined amount of time, and much more. Secondly, we chat with Laura Snyder, to get an update on TAP, how TAP is recruiting her replacement, and what her replacement can expect. Lastly, we speak with Marylouise Serrato, Executive Director with ACA, to get an update from Washington DC, how ACA is working with the new Congress and Administration, and about the new RBT Coalition.
January 12, 2021
Our chat with Dr. Christina Limbird, Director of Linden Global Learning Support Services
We speak with educational psychologist Dr. Christina Limbird, Director of Linden Global Learning Support Services, about the many ways her agency is able to support children and families in schools abroad. From preparing for the SATs, to raising third culture kids, we also discuss how to help families in the time of COVID, counselling during the pandemic, how telehealth works, and other issues particular to raising expatriate children.
December 8, 2020
Our Chat with Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels
We chat with Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, PhD, Reader in Migration and Politics, Director, MA in International Migration at the Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, and author of the book, Migrants or Expatriates?: Americans in Europe, about the relevance of her work for the American overseas community, just who the American living abroad is, the difference between migration and immigration, how well Congress knows the American overseas community, the hidden American abroad, and much more!
November 10, 2020
Our Chat with Nina Olson, Executive Director of the Center for Taxpayer Rights
We chat with Nina Olson, the Executive Director, Founder, Treasurer, Member, and on the Board of Directors of the Center for Taxpayer Rights. Nina founded and directed The Community Tax Law Project, the first independent low income taxpayer clinic in the US. Afterwards, Nina served as the National Taxpayer Advocate of the US from March 2001 to July 2019. An advocate dedicated to helping taxpayers resolve their problems, she has submitted 39 annual reports to Congress and testified before Congress over 60 times. In 2019 she founded the Center for Taxpayer Rights, a nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering taxpayer rights in the US and overseas.
October 13, 2020
Our Chat with Lindley Bach & An Update from ACA"s Marylouise Serrato
In part one of our 2-part episode, we chat with Lindley Bach, an American expat, content creator, travel blogger, and digital nomad. We chat about living abroad, culture shock, blogging, working remotely as a digital nomad, and how living overseas has changed her.
Later in the episode, we speak with ACA's Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato to get the latest from Washington DC. We chat about holding meetings with representatives in the time of COVID, the CARES Act, getting out the vote from those living overseas, and more.
September 8, 2020
Our Chat with Tim Robinson and Lisa Tilstra of The REI Concierge
ACA chats with Tim & Lisa of The REI Concierge about the main reasons why Americans living overseas purchase property back in the US; the Why, the How and the Risk when it comes to investing in property; how passive or involved one can be in investing in real estate; the general process of buying US property from abroad, and more.
August 11, 2020
Our Chat with Crimson Coaching's Dominique Padurano, aka Dr. P
Listen to Dr. P (Dominique Padurano, Ph.D.) of Crimson Coaching talk about coaching service and the issues facing adolescents working through the US university application process, with specific advice for those applying from overseas.
July 14 - 2020
Our chat with ACA’s Marylouise Serrato, about ACA’s Washington DC advocacy, COVID, Voting and more!
We chat with American Citizens Abroad’s Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato, about ACA’s latest updates on their advocacy work in Washington DC; COVID-19, the CARES ACT and EIP/recovery rebates; voting in the upcoming election; and more!
June 9, 2020
Our Interview with LaShell Tinder, Families In Global Transition’s Treasurer and a Professional in Global Mobility
ACA chats with LaShell Tinder, Families in Global Transition’s Treasurer and a professional in global mobility about the issues that US citizens face when they move overseas, “duty of care”, issues facing dual national couples, how COVID-19 is impacting American expats, digital nomads, geographic trends, repatriation, and much more.
May 12, 2020
Our Interview with Dawn Bryan with Families In Global Transition
ACA chats with Dawn Bryan, President of Families in Global Transition (FIGT), about what FIGT does, key issues impacting expats, Third Culture Kids, the difference between expat communities, issues impacting dual national couples, and more.
Our Interview with State Department Federal Credit Union’s Michael Morris
ACA speaks with Mike Morris of the State Department Federal Credit Union and ACA's Marylouise Serrato about the development, details and perks of the ACA/SDFCU account.
March 10, 2020
Our Interview with Overseas Vote’s Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat
ACA chats with Overseas Vote's Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat about her organizations and passionate staff; the number of overseas Americans who take part in US elections and the importance of their vote; and the future of online voting.
Feb 11, 2020
Our Interview with Laura Snyder, the international representative on TAP
Interview with Laura Snyder, the sole international member of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP), a federal advisory committee to the IRS. Ms. Snyder discusses the work of TAP and why it matters for overseas taxpayers.
ACA’s New Tax Services Directory with Charles Bruce + An Update on ACA’s Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad: An Idea Worth Fight For campaign
Relaunch of ACA’s new and improved Tax Services Directory with ACA Director and ACAGF Chairman Charles Bruce. Mr. Bruce talks about the updated ACA Tax Professionals Directory -- a valuable resource for Americans overseas who are looking for a wide range of services providers; tax preparers, investment managers, foreign financial institutions and lawyers. Learn about the directory and the wide range of service providers.
December 10, 2019
The Government Accountability Office Report on FATCA with Bruce Zagaris
Bruce Zagaris (Author and International Lawyer) talks about the recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on FATCA on tax compliance. Mr. Zagaris reports and writes for the International Enforcement Law Reporter (IELR).
Nov 12, 2019
Tax Fairness For Americans Abroad
Discussion with ACA Executive Director, Marylouise Serrato about the Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad: An Idea Worth Fighting For!” campaign/push for hearings.
Listen & Subscribe
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For more information, questions, comments, and show suggestions, email us at [email protected]. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.