Congressman LaHood Receives ACA Benjamin Franklin Award | The American

The American, February 4, 2025

Congressman LaHood Receives ACA Benjamin Franklin Award

"Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL) has been awarded American Citizens Abroad’s Benjamin Franklin Award for service on behalf of US citizens living and working overseas.

The ACA says its award is given in recognition of a member of Congress who, understanding the valuable role played by United States citizens living abroad in building a stronger America, has rendered extraordinary service to this community. It is named for Benjamin Franklin, who spent much of his life abroad, in England, Ireland, Germany and France serving as the First US Ambassador, learning from the cultures and traditions of other countries and passing on the United States own unique heritage. Franklin understood the importance, on a variety of levels, of the role of Americans living outside of the United States.

'Congressman LaHood’s advocacy on behalf of Americans overseas truly reflects the spirit of Benjamin Franklin,' said the ACA’s Global Foundation Chairman, Charles Bruce.

Jonathan Lachowitz, ACA Chairman, added, 'Congressman LaHood with his introduction of tax reform legislation, Residence Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act (H.R.10468), for US citizens overseas has brought Congressional attention to the tax and compliance issues of Americans living and working overseas. Congressman LaHood understands the important contributions that Americans overseas make whether as generators of economic opportunity or simply as ambassadors for American democracy and the American way of life.'

Previous winners of the Benjamin Franklin Award include, Congressman George Holding (R-NC), Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Congressman Joseph Wilson (R-SC), former Congressman and Chief Deputy Majority Whip William Alexander (D-AR 1968-1993) and Congressman Robert McClory (R-IL 1963-1983)."

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