American Citizens Abroad launches 5-Day ‘Voice Your Vote' challenge encouraging overseas voting
The Sofia Globe, August 24, 2020
American Citizens Abroad launches 5-Day ‘Voice Your Vote’ challenge encouraging overseas voting
'American Citizens Abroad (ACA), the Washington DC-based non-partisan, non-profit advocacy organisation representing Americans living and working overseas, has launched its Five-Day Challenge to encourage Americans overseas to ensure their vote is heard in the upcoming elections, it said in a media statement on August 24.
Its Five-Day Challenge asks individuals to watch a short video and read a short article on a voting-related topic and then use the ACA Voice Your Vote write-in campaign to contact those standing for office asking where they stand on issues.
'Lots of Americans overseas aren’t aware that they can actually vote in federal elections,' ACA executive director Marylouise Serrato said, 'but they can and should, even Americans who were born overseas may have the ability to vote from overseas.''