Amb. Donald S. Beyer, Jr.

United States Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Donald S. Beyer, Jr. was presented with the Thomas Jefferson Award at a State Department ceremony on March 26, 2013. The award is presented by American Citizens Abroad (ACA) to a U.S. State Department officer who has rendered outstanding service to Americans overseas. ACA is a citizen’s advocacy group representing six million overseas Americans.

Ambassador Beyer was recognized for his leadership and participation in a series of Town Hall Meetings where American citizens living outside of the United States could voice their concerns and opinions. A Report to Washington was produced as a result of the input from these meetings and was distributed to members of Congress and the media in late 2012. 

ACA deemed these meetings and the resulting report invaluable in helping to highlight issues and open dialogue between American citizens living and working abroad and the U.S. Government at home in Washington.

Read more in our news story.