Benjamin Franklin Award


Representative George Holding 

(R-NC) for his long advocacy on behalf of Americans overseas and in bringing Congressional attention to the issues of Americans living and working overseas through his Committee work. Congressman Holding has heightened the awareness of the issues Americans overseas face and the important contributions that Americans overseas make whether as generators of economic opportunity or simply as ambassadors for American democracy and the American way of life.



520.jpgRepresentative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) for having created the Americans Abroad Caucus in the House of Representatives. This caucus has swelled to more than 25 members individually willing to be attentative to the concerns of their constituents overseas, and to cooperate in working with groups representing US citizens abroad.

The presentation ceremony, during which ACA Director Jackie Bugnion presented framed certificates to the winners, was held on 24 July 2008 in Rep. Maloney’s office. Also present for ACA were former Congressman Bill Alexander and Sterling Giannotti, both long-time supporters of American Citizens Abroad.



509.jpgRepresentative Bill Alexander, former Chief Deputy Majority Whip (D-AR). Representative Alexander introduced the iconic pieces of legislation to eliminate taxation of Americans abroad, to give every US citizen the right to transmit US citizenship to a child at birth regardless of place of birth, and to give overseas Americans their own directly-elected delegate in the House of Representatives.






533.jpgRepresentative Bob McClory (R-IL), former ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. McClory was the key player in getting the 1978 citizenship bill enacted, thus reducing US residence requirements related to transmission of American citizenship to children born abroad of an American parent.  In this 1978 newspaper clipping, we see Andy Sundberg (ACA), Beatrice Etienne, her father Rep. Bob McClory, and President Jimmy Carter.