Senate Finance Committee Leaders Issue Discussion Draft to Improve IRS Administration

On January 30, U.S. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) released a discussion draft of bipartisan legislation making an array of fixes to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) procedure and administration.  There are several fixes that relate to tax filing for U.S. citizens living and working overseas (sections 201 to 206).  

Many of the proposed fixes are recommendations that have been made by the National Taxpayer Advocate, Erin Collins from her various reports to Congress.  ACA is pleased to see that the Senate Finance Committee is aware of the tax filing issues for U.S. citizens overseas and that the Committee has a desire to address these.  ACA will work with the Senate Finance Committee to provide input on this discussion draft, however, ACA continues to advocate for Residence Based Taxation, which is the ultimate solution to the tax compliance problems for U.S. citizens overseas.  

"Now that draft legislation, the Residence Based Taxation of Americans Abroad Act, has been introduced in the last Congress by Representative LaHood, with plans to reintroduce into the 119th Congress, ACA looks forward to seeing a companion bill introduced in the Senate," said Marylouise Serrato, ACA Executive Director. 

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