Another new tax form for Americans abroad - no longer needed

Previously, taxpayers were obligated to obtain minimum essential health insurance coverage for themselves and their dependents, qualify for a health coverage exemption or make a 'shared responsibility' payment with their federal income tax return for the months without coverage or exemption through 31 December 2018.  Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed December 22, 2017, the amount of the individual shared responsibility payment was reduced to zero for months beginning after December 31, 2018.  Beginning in tax year 2019 and until further notice, Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR will not have the 'full-year health care coverage or exempt' box.  Form 8965, 'Health Coverage Exemptions,' is no longer being used. You do not need to make a 'shared responsibility' payment or file Form 8965 with your tax return.



(This ACA webpage was updated March 5th, 2022)
