Why are there two different organizations and what does each do?

Why are there two different organizations and what does each do?


ACA, Inc. is officially allowed to advocate on behalf of its members in front of Congress, the Executive branch and elsewhere, in order to be more effective in working with the US Government, to fulfill the goals which the original organization, American Citizens Abroad, established when it was founded in 1978. ACA, Inc. can meet and otherwise communicate with and educate legislators and other government officials on issues affecting US citizens overseas.

The ACA Global Foundation (ACAGF) works to promote the well-being of Americans abroad, identify issues and actions that affect this segment of American citizenry, develop information and research on issues and actions, provide information and research on Americans abroad to the legislative, administrative and judicial branches of the US government and, to disseminate such information to the media and other communication channels. ACA Global Foundation cannot lobby and cannot endorse political candidates. Donations to ACA Global Foundation are tax-deductible.