ACA advises IRS on international tax issues for their Taxpayers First Act report to Congress.
The IRS just issued the Taxpayer First Act report to Congress. As reported by ACA in earlier communications, the IRS identified international taxpayers as an underserved community. ACA is part of a group of organizations and professionals that have been asked by the IRS to sit on an advisory commission and work with the IRS Taxpayer First Act team on an ongoing basis. This work by the IRS began in 2019 and ACA has been a part of conversations, attending conference calls, throughout 2019 and 2020 and will continue to assist in the coming months and years.
ACA helped advise the IRS on how it can better serve international taxpayers, giving suggestions for better outreach and servicing of the community. We were pleased that our input in the process of identifying areas in need of improvement has resulted in the IRS’s commitment to providing more outreach and resources to the community of international taxpayers.
As is noted in the IRS Taxpayer First Act report, the areas of improvement that the IRS will focus on for international taxpayers; facilitating the ability of international taxpayers to have enhanced online capabilities for filing, communicating and authenticating accounts, are excellent starting points for improving servicing. (See page 63 of the report.) However, these are just starting points and the IRS is committed to doing more and ACA will continue to advise the IRS on further enhancements and improvements, in particular those related to improved outreach so that international taxpayers can get answers to their filing questions and easily access information.
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