ACA's Residence-Based Taxation (RBT) approach highlighted in Tax Notes International
ACA’s Residence-Based Taxation (RBT) approach highlighted in Tax Notes International*, a major tax publication used by Congress and the Tax Writing Committees when developing and considering legislation.
Robert Goulder of Tax Notes International has written an opinion piece on “Residence-Based Taxation: The Other Territoriality.” Taking ACA’s approach to RBT, the author analyzes the pros and cons. Having ACA’s RBT approach highlighted in Tax Analysts publications is important because these publications are the “go to source” for the legislative and administrative offices working on tax issues. These offices rely on articles, opinion pieces and analysis from publications like Tax Analysts as resource material for their work. See: 'Residence-Based Taxation: The Other Territoriality,” Tax Notes International, Oct. 29. 2018, pp. 561-565, by Robert Goulder.
*Tax Notes and Tax Notes International is a collection of publications by Tax Analysts.